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520 Deluxe Angled Finishing Brush

All-purpose brush for blush or face powder. This brush is great for blush application. The Superior airy 100 % Blue Squirrel Hair form an angle shape. SO brushes are hand-sculpted using the finest quality materials. The patented handle is made of aluminium and it is made for facial massage. Designed by Queenie Chan. Limited edition. 

「Brush 520」520(我愛你)是多功能斜角大號掃。專為上蜜粉或胭脂而設,Q選用了100% Blue Squirrel Hair,是毛中極品。日本著名的竹寶堂,白鳳堂的頂級化妝刷具也是採用這種極其矜貴的藍松鼠毛。由於毛鋒軟如嬰兒的「初髮」,所以抓粉量能控制得好,而且能上出超自然的暈染感。流線型的鋁筆桿可作按摩用途,化妝前去水腫,一流!而且不怕掃桿掉漆或發霉。 化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料. 專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設, 連接毛及柄身的掃圈採用優質黃銅. 已獲批專利註冊的純鋁製掃柄可作面部按摩, 改善面部水腫, 限量版生產.

521 Deluxe Powder Brush

A full, fluffy, dome-shaped brush of ultra-soft, Superior Grade Goat Hair for the lightweight application and blending of face powders, highlighters and bronzers. The patented handle is made of aluminium and it is made for facial massage. Designed by Queenie Chan. Limited edition. 


毛量極為豐滿的圓球型設計化妝掃, 採用極為矜貴柔軟的山羊毛, 可用作輕掃臉龐, 把所有碎粉, 光影粉或古銅粉細膩地結合融和, 渾然天成.專利鋁製掃柄可作按犘面部功能. 創作靈感源自QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏, 限量版生產.

530 Deluxe Fan Brush

A flat, fan-shaped brush of 100% Natural Raccoon Hair. Can be used for featherweight application and blending of pigments and powders or as a tool to gently clear the skin of any excess product. The patented aluminium handle is designed for facial massage. Queenie Chan's creation. Limited edition.


SO Brush 偏平扇形掃, 以100%純天然浣熊毛製成. 可用於輕掃全面, 細緻混和各種色粉, 及掃走任何多餘顏料, 使妝容更柔和, 更趨完美無瑕, 達專業化妝水平. 專利鋁製手柄是為按犘面部, 改善臉色而設計, 創作靈感源自 QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏, 限量版生產.

566 Blusher Brush

This brush is particularly good for blush application. The fibres are soft and form a full, rounded shape.This brush has a thick bundle of Pure Pony Hair arranged in a rounded shape. SO  brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. The patented aluminium handle is designed for facial massage  and the ferrule is made of high quality brass.


特別為掃胭脂而設. 採用最質優柔軟的毛, 設計成豐滿圓圓的掃頭. 掃出自然不會過厚的胭脂妝容. SO胭脂掃採用厚厚的純天然山羊毛, 排列成圓球型狀. SO專業化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料. 專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設, 連接毛及柄身的掃圈是採用優質黃銅.

568 Deluxe Blush Brush

The 568 is particularly good for blush application. The blue squirrel hair are super soft and fluffy. The brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. The patented handle is made of aluminium and it can be used for facial massage. Designed by Queenie Chan. Limited edition. 


568 號掃專為掃胭脂而設. 採用極品藍松鼠毛, 毛質十分柔軟豐滿, 品質最為上乘. SO 專業化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料.專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設. 創作靈感源自 QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏, 限量版生產.

218 Concaved Fan Brush

A flat, bean-shaped brush of Superior Grade AAA Goat Hair mixed with blue squirrel hair. Can be used for featherweight application and blending of pigments and powders or as a tool to gently clear the skin of any excess product. The patented aluminium handle is designed for facial massage. Queenie Chan's original creation. Limited edition.

「Brush 218」(愛你發)



革新設計, 已獲專利註册的偏平腰豆形扇狀掃, 採用最高級的藍松鼠毛混山羊毛, 是毛中極品. 可用於輕掃全面, 細緻混和各種色粉, 及掃走任何多餘顏料, 使妝容更柔和近乎完美無瑕, 達專業化妝水平. 專利鋁製掃柄可作按犘面部功能, 由QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏設計, 限量版生產.

220 Double End Face Cleansing Brush

A cleansing brush with double ends, one end with super fine synthetic hair which gently exfoliate and cleanse skin, the other end with 2 layer - bullet eye design which target T-zone. Your pores will be so happy after using it. 


Brush 220(愛愛你)洗面刷/濕粉刷是一支人用人愛,姐見姐搶的潔膚好物!灰色斜面圓頭刷採用超幼細竹炭纖維,有抑菌作用,能溫柔地去角質和刷去殘餘的化妝品。用它來上膏狀的粉底或胭脂也是很棒的。


288 Foundation Brush

Pro-quality. A foundation brush designed to create a smooth, even finish, flawless look. Works well with any foundation. Use it to apply, distribute and blend foundation into all areas in the face. Synthetic fibres molded into a sturdy paddle shape, the synthetic fibres blend and diffuse product onto the skin for a soft look. High grade patented aluminium handle is designed by Queenie Chan for facial massage. Limited edition.


專業品質. 為專業化妝師選用. SO粉底掃可創造一個柔順, 滑溜, 均緻完美的底妝. 任何膏狀霜狀及液狀粉底均適用. 可先用它先塗上粉底, 然後慢慢推開至全面, 再重點於各部位混和柔合, 達到完美效果. 採用高級合成纖維毛, 鑄造成為穩固不變形的漿狀設計, 可將粉底細緻地塗抹於面上, 效果自然柔和高級純鋁鑄造掃柄由 QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏設計, 可用作面部按犘, 促進血液循環, 改善水腫. 限量版生產.

188 Blush Brush

Tapered for shading and highlighting cheeks and face with blush.Used with 100% Pure Pine Squirrel Hair. The bristles on this brush are soft and form a fluffy, rounded shape. SO brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature aluminium handles and nickel-plated brass ferrules.


專為打造面部陰影及特出腮部輪廓而設. 採用 100% 上等松鼠毛, 設計成豐滿圓球型. SO 專業化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料. 專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設, 連接毛及柄身的掃圈是採用優質黃銅.

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