619 Red Small Concaved Concealer Brush
SO RED COLLECTION. A flat, bean-shaped brush of fine Synthetic Hair. Can be used for high lighting bridge of nose and concealing dark circles. The aluminium handle is durable and stylish. Queenie Chan's original creation. Limited edition.
要有獨一無二的輪廓? 就要靠設計獨一無二的偏平腰豆形合成纖維掃, SO 619 專為掃上光影突出鼻樑, 挺高鼻型而設亦可用作遮蓋黑眼圈. 專利鋁製掃柄可作按犘面部功能, 由QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏設計, 量版生產
621 Red Powder Brush
The new SO RED COLLECTION is tailor made for enviromentalist and people who respect animal rights. A full, fluffy, dome-shaped brush of ultra-soft synthetic fibre for the lightweight application and blending of face powders, highlighters and bronzers. The patented handle is made of aluminium and it is made for facial massage. Designed by Queenie Chan. Limited edition.
全新鮮豔奪目大紅毛圓球波波化妝掃, 專為崇尚環保人士而設, 採用高級人造纖維, 質地及功能可美奐動物毛, 輕輕一揮便可把碎粉光影完全融和, 渾然天成. 專利鋁製掃柄可作按犘面部功能. 創作靈感源自QUEENIE CHAN 陳莉敏,限量版生產
666 Red Blusher Brush
SO RED COLLECTION. This brush is particularly good for blush application. The fibres are soft and form a full, rounded shape. This brush has a thick bundle of synthetic hair arranged in a rounded shape. SO brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. The patented aluminium handle is designed for facial massage and the ferrule is made of high quality brass.
全新鮮紅毛胭脂掃. 採用上等人造纖維, 設計成豐滿圓圓的掃頭. 掃出自然不會過厚的胭脂妝容. SO專業化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料. 專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設, 連接毛及柄身的掃圈是採用優質黃銅.
680 Red Angled Liner Brush
For controlled eye shadow application. Used with top quality blue squirrel hair. This brush has soft fibers which taper to form a medium size dome shape. SO brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature aluminium handles and nickel-plated brass ferrules.
很羡慕韓妹會呼的眼妝? 秘訣就在於高超又不留痕跡的化妝技巧, 超級幼細的 SO 680 最強好幫手, 用它作眼影及眉粉, 可描畫填補睫毛之間的空隙, 幫你營造出一條清淡無辜呼吸感的眼綫. 採用優質的天然毛及精細的合成纖維混合而成, 以鈄角設計, 達到專業的妝容效果, 鈍鋁鑄造掃柄, 耐用且富時代感.
699 Red Q-Tip Blending Brush
SO RED COLLECTION. The must buy item for applying and blending eye shadow. This brush has soft fibers which taper to form a medium size dome shape. SO brushes are hand-sculpted and assembled using the finest quality materials. They feature aluminium handles and nickel-plated brass ferrules.
專為上眼影粉及混和柔合眼影而設. 毛峰極為幼細, 抓粉性能超卓.可以更好控制眼影的塗抺效果. 此眼影掃極為柔軟, 毛身為漸進式圓頂設計. SO專業化妝掃由人手雕造, 採用最優質物料. 專利鋁製掃柄是為按摩面部而設, 連接毛及柄身的掃圈是採用優質黃銅.